Today’s guest blog post comes from Tatiana Nchotu, our new Communications Intern. She is a junior at Towson University, working towards degrees in Health Care Management (major), Business Administration and Spanish (minors). She is originally from Cameroon, West Africa, and is passionate about issues related to HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening conditions.
Why Moveable Feast?
I first came across Moveable Feast during my search for internships. Skimming through Moveable Feast’s call for a Communications Intern, I captured the words “HIV/AIDS,” “cancer,” “life-threatening diseases” and “nutritious meals,” and got extremely excited. I went to the webpage, and after reading all I could, I fell in love with the mission. I have lost relatives and friends to HIV/AIDS and Cancer, so it really hit home. I always used to proclaim how much I wanted to do something about life threatening diseases. I realized that it’s one thing to talk about changing people’s lives, but it’s another thing to actually do something about it. Moveable Feast feeds people, fights disease, and fosters hope. Now, that’s talking the talk and walking the walk!
My Experiences So Far
During my first three weeks at Moveable Feast, I’ve been able to dive into all that we do here. I had the opportunity to volunteer in the kitchen. Collaborating with the cooks and volunteers to dish out and package each and every single meal made it so real. I also helped to plant seedlings and build the new compost bin in our garden. That had me reminiscing about the times I went to the farm in Africa. And of course, I’ve gotten my feet wet with writing a few blog posts. Seeing this entire process come to life is wonderful.
Finding Inspiration
Prior to this internship, I didn’t know exactly where or how to narrow down my interests (career wise). However, at the moment, I know for sure that I’m interested in working towards the fight against life threatening diseases such as HIV/AIDS and cancer.
I’m honored to be able to take part in the “walking.”